Market Statistics for Q3 2013 Are In

sonoma real estate market stat

Jeffrey Gibson, Managing Broker of Wine Country and San Francisco brokerages invites you to review Sotheby’s International Realty’s quarterly residential wine country real estate Market Update. Data was pulled from Bareis Multiple Listing Service. Keep in mind that the data does not include off market sales. Prices of homes selling for more than $1m in Saint Helena saw a 19% decline from the third quarter of 2012, while Sonoma Valley is showing a 17% increase over the same period. However there were several quiet high end sales in Saint Helena in Q3. Click here to review the report.

In addition to the report, I pulled the market stats for the last 3 years. These reports were also generated from the Multiple Listing Service for properties starting at a $1,000,000. They do not include quiet or confidential sales. They show comparisons between:

August 2013 & September 2013

September 2012 & September 2013

Q3 2012 & Q3 2013

Q3 2010 & Q3 2013

October 2012 to September 2013and October 2011 & October 12

Q3 2011 & Q3 2013

October 2012 to September 2013 and October 2010 to September 2011

Click on the links below for:

Napa Valley


Angwin & Deer Park

Saint Helena

Rutherford & Oakville



Sonoma Valley


Glen Ellen & Kenwood
