5 Tips For Getting More Done Every Day: from Star of Shark Tank, Barbara Corcoran

barbara corcoran
I am always interested in learning tips from expert business leaders, so when I came across Barbara Corcoran’s 5 tips for getting more done every day, I thought “I have to share this!” The popular judge of TV’s 
Shark Tank, who built her real estate business into a $65 million dollar business with 1,000 employees, shared her great ideas on how to get more achieved in a day in an interview with Inc.com, “Barbara Corcoran on What It Takes to Get More Done Every Day.” Here are my favorite tips from this real estate legend:•      The thing that kills any great idea is a lack of focus. Knowing the difference between
what you need and what you don’t is essential in making sure every minute of your day
is used well.•      Prioritize your ‘to do’ list before you leave at night and rate the items A, B, or C in
order of importance. In the morning, I get my “A’s” done first.

•      Only take calls during the day from people you absolutely must speak with and check
your email twice a day. That keeps you from responding to endless emails that distract
you and eat away your valuable time.

•      Work early. If you get to work an hour before everyone else, you set the pace of your
own day, rather than trying to keep up with whatever comes at you.

•      In business, you don’t have to be good at everything. I built a business that employed
over 1,000 people and I had no idea how to read a financial statement and I never
learned. But I hired someone who knew how. In business, you only need to know how
to access the people who can help you get to where you want to go.