15 ideas for a promising 2015

New Year's graphic

At the end of the year, we often create a list of resolutions. I think many of us find following these resolutions to be a bit overwhelming. So, instead of making your New Year’s Resolutions, how about following these 15 ideas for a promising 2015:

1. Assess 2014

Look over the events of 2014 to determine how to move forward in 2015.

2. Focus on Health

Forget losing that last 10 pounds. Instead, go deeper and vow to improve your heart health, flexibility, stamina, and bone density.

3. Learn Something New

There’s always something more to learn. Not only does knowledge mean power but often the pursuit brings with it unexpected, memorable moments to savor.

4. Let Go

While we might have clear intentions of what we wish the New Year to be, resolving to let go and allow events and people unravel as they will can lead to amazing and magical moments.

5. Strengthen Relationships

Improving your relationships will improve the overall quality of your life.

6. Change Your Relationships with Technology

Allow technology to be a tool rather than a crutch.

7. Eliminate One Bad Habit

Eliminating one bad habit can make a significant difference to the quality of your life. Do it.

8. Do Something to Help the World/Planet/Community

Why not choose to add a habit in the coming year that can actually help the planet? It’s easy, just remember to use reusable grocery bags or try to model behaviors that leave a smaller footprint on earth.

9. Add One Routine or Habit to Reduce Stress

Choose meditation or something else that will help you discover true tranquility, restore your mind and be your best self each moment of everyday.

10. Focus on Kindness

Being thoughtful is often something others don’t expect, but a simple act of kindness can immensely change their outlook (and yours too).

11. Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

The quality of sleep we receive each night has a tremendous effect on so many aspects of our lives. Make sure you get enough quality sleep each night.

12. Travel 

Make sure you get out of town at least once in 2015.

13. Be the Sunshine in your Own Life

Respect yourself just by choosing to allow the voice in your head to be a cheerleader instead of an incessant critic.

14. Purge & Organize

Rid your home (and your life) of unnecessary things, including healthy relationships.

15. Read More

Resolve to read new and interesting content. Not only will it be enjoyable, but you will foster new ideas, have intriguing conversation topics to dive into with anyone you meet and more importantly, you will no doubt learn something new.

If your idea for a promising 2015 includes selling or buying a luxury home, estate, vineyard or winery in Napa Valley or any of the surrounding communities, please call me at 707-738-4820 or email me at [email protected]. Meantime, please be sure to LIKE me